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The Ides of March (Issue #030)

On March 15, at 3:42 pm, Attorney General Barr officially declared the National Emergency on the southern border to be in effect. The declaration came shortly after twelve Republican senators defected to vote with Democrats on rescinding Trump’s initial emergency declaration. The vote prompted the first veto of Trump’s presidency, which was followed shortly by AG Barr’s press conference during which Barr re-affirmed the legality of the declaration. The bill rescinding the declaration now gets moved back to the House of Representatives where it likely will die as there are not enough votes to override the President’s veto.

The President’s veto and the Attorney General’s press conference were just the icing on the cake for what was otherwise a disastrous week for globalist, war-mongering, elites seeking to undermine the ‘America First’ agenda. OSI:DI noted in issue #028 that we were entering the most dangerous phase of the swamp-draining plan. In our most recent issue, [Issue #029] we noted that despite the coup attempt against Trump (using Russia, taxes, and Stormy Daniels as pretext,) the Alliance has been pressing ahead with many investigations and indictments that will bring the ‘deep-state’ apparatus crumbling down. Indeed, it seems the patriots have launched their planned ‘spring offensive’ against the deep-state. Here is a just a sampling of the headlines indicating that things have gone sideways for the traitors:

  • Georgia Rep. Doug Collins has begun a steady release of sealed transcripts of House Judiciary committee testimonies. The testimonies were given months ago by many high ranking DOJ, FBI, State Department, and CIA officials, and pertained to the improper conduct of these agencies involving everything from the Steele Dossier, the Trump-Russia investigation, Tarmac-gate, Uranium-One, Hillary Clinton’s E-mails, and FISA-gate. The investigations/testimonies reflect badly and jeopardize people such as Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Andrew McCabe, James Baker, Jim Clapper, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch, the Clintons the Podestas and many others

  • This information is officially ‘news’ to the public at large as of the last two weeks. However if you have been reading OSI:DI (a ‘far-right-wing conspiracy newsletter’) you have been aware of these testimonies for 11 months

  • No…seriously: In issue #015 dated April 28, 2018, OSI:DI state the following:

The next several months will most certainly provide fireworks as the public learns more and more about the counter-coup led by the Alliance… Page, Strzok, Rybicki, McCabe, Comey, Priestap, and Baker have all been removed from power at the FBI. Is the Alliance purging the FBI because the FBI is needed for upcoming arrests? – OSI:DI Issue #015, April 28, 2018

  • Not convincing enough? How about this excerpt from 16 months ago?

Peter Strzok was Robert Mueller’s lead investigator in the Trump-Russia probe. In fact, Strzok’s signature is on the document that officially began the investigation. Incidentally, he was also the lead investigator into Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private server to house classified information. And - can you believe it - he also conducted the interview with Michael Flynn (Flynn was unaware that he was being formally interviewed.)

…it turns out that in addition to papering over Hillary Clinton’s crimes and entrapping highly respected generals, Strzok had been sending many anti-Trump texts to another of Mueller’s staff: Lisa Page. Strzok also happened to be having an extramarital affair with Ms. Page. Indeed, the lead investigator of the Trump-Russia probe was so compromised that he was fired by Mueller himself. OSI:DI would imagine that many individuals inside the FBI itself will be brought to justice before this is all over. – OSI:DI Issue #005, December 6, 2017

  • But we digress… back to the current headlines. Congressman Collins released the transcript of the testimony of Department of Justice Senior Official Bruce Ohr (Bruce Ohr's Testimony Contradicts Testimony Provided By Rosenstein And Simpson – Zerohedge, March 9, 2019.) Unsurprisingly, Bruce Ohr’s testimony contradicts Rod Rosenstein and Andrew McCabe’s testimony (which contradicted each other’s as well.) Ohr seemed most intent on protecting his wife/CIA agent/Fusion GPS liaison Nellie Ohr. Ohr also divulged that MI6 asset and author of the ‘Trump/Russia dossier’ Christopher Steele was on both the FBI payroll and the Clinton Foundation payroll during his investigation of Trump

  • Former FBI Lawyer Lisa Page (infamous for her text messages to FBI colleague and lover Peter Strzok,) had testified behind closed doors last June to the House Judiciary Committee, and her testimony also contradicted the testimony of the other deep-state rats and traitors (Explosive Lisa Page Testimony: Dossier Timeline Contradictions And DOJ Interference – Zerohedge, March 13, 2019.) Among the most explosive revelations from her testimony was that the FBI was set to charge Hillary Clinton under the Espionage Act, but was told ‘No’ by Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department

[DOJ official Bruce Ohr and former FBI Lawyer Lisa Page]

  • Next up on the unending series of revelations from Rep. Collins testimony trove: Peter Strzok (DOJ And Clinton Lawyers Struck Secret Deal To Block FBI Access To Clinton Foundation Emails: Strzok – Zerohedge, March 15, 2019.) Strzok threw the Clinton’s under the bus, stating that Hillary’s legal team negotiated with (read: threatened) the FBI regarding access to her ‘homebrew’ server which stored classified information, which was confirmed to have been accessed by the Chinese (Sources: Chinese Hacked Hillary's Email Server – The Daily Wire, August 28, 2018)

  • Some of these transcripts are hundreds of pages long and contain many more revelations than the short list we have covered. OSI:DI recommends perusing them further. The transcripts can be accessed on Representative Collins page at,, and respectively

  • Facebook has found itself in hot water (Facebook’s Data-Deals are Under Criminal Investigation – New York Times, March 13, 2019.) While this might seem unrelated at first, OSI:DI has been pointing out how the intersection of Big Tech and Intelligence Agencies is a major front in the current civil war in the United States Government [See Issues #013, #021, and #024 for more – OSI:DI]

  • The two primary vectors of utility that Facebook and other tech giants offer to Intelligence Agencies and contractors are data-collection, and censorship/narrative control. The propensity of tech companies to de-platform, de-monetize, shadow-ban, and overtly ban dissenting opinions is exhaustively documented. However, the degree to which these companies assist domestic and foreign government agencies with data collection is under-appreciated.

  • To this end, it is worth noting that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was developing a project to accumulate data on every citizen in real time (DARPA – LifeLog.) The project was called Lifelog and it was cancelled the last week of January, 2004 due to privacy concerns. Facebook was formed the first week of February, 2004. OSI:DI is not suggesting the DARPA project was rebranded. It is more likely that the Department of Defense correctly anticipated that it would be more cost-effective to allow individuals to voluntarily input their personal interactions onto a private social media platform, and then harvest that data through backdoors negotiated with the corporate leadership of these companies.

  • In what could be described as the “worst possible timing” for the deep-state, a Federal Judge has given until March 19 for involved parties to show due cause, or face a disclosure of information related to Jeffrey Epstein’s grossly mishandled child-trafficking case (Federal court moves to unseal documents in Jeffrey Epstein scandal – Miami Herald, March 11, 2019.) We have covered in great detail how pivotal a puzzle piece Epstein is to the entire story. One of OSI:DI’s premises is that money can only do so much in politics. Blackmail, however, can do it all. And nobody has access to more blackmail-worthy information that child-trafficker and orgy-island owner Jeffrey Epstein and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell (daughter of infamous Mossad agent Robert Maxwell.) Interestingly, Senator Sasse asked AG nominee Barr if he would commit to investigating how the Epstein case was mishandled.

  • The NXIVM sex cult/blackmail/trafficking case has been snowballing under the radar for nearly a year, and has already taken down NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, actress Allison Mack, and the two richest Heiresses in Canada; Clare and Sara Bronfman. Now the case has resurfaced with indications that the prosecutions are only just beginning (Nxivm co-founder expected to plead guilty – New York Post, March 12, 2019.)

  • For those of you motivated researchers out there, OSI:DI recommends digging into the connections between NXIVM cult members and those individuals recently arrested in the “college admissions” scandal (Here's what universities are saying about the alleged college admissions cheating scandal – CNN, March 15, 2019.) You might be surprised at the size of the NXIVM network, and how much power they actually held. [See Issues #001, #013, and #017 for more on Epstein and NXIVM – OSI:DI]

Internationally, the deep-state is not faring any better. The globalist-cabal’s world-governance project has been in a state of collapse for some time, especially in Europe. OSI:DI has covered this on several occasions pointing out that Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and Theresa May were all short on time in their respective governments. Theresa May has been doing her best to delay ‘Brexit’ and keep the UK attached at the hip to the EU. Unfortunately for her, there isn’t going to be much of an EU left.

The cabal now seems to be attempting to regroup by beginning to merge the French and German governments, where the cabal influence is strongest (French MP’s Open Door to Franco-German Parliament – Breitbart, March 13 2019.) Fortunately, nationalism is on the rise in France and all throughout Europe, so this attempt can be expected to fail.

Quite a bad start to March for the deep-state! This writer is happy to say that their prospects don’t look like they will improve any time soon. In fact, we can expect things to get exponentially worse for everyone involved in the attempted-coup against President Trump… and anyone involved with NXIVM or Epstein… or Uranium one… or the Tarmac meeting… or FISA-gate… or setting up Clinton’s private server… Attorney General Barr will likely be working nights and weekends as the prosecution phase of the swamp-draining gets under way. Beware the Ides of March. Expect Trump’s enemies to frame the prosecutions as politically motivated. However, those of us who have been ahead of the curve know otherwise:

“Lots of sealed indictments… Lots of sealed indictments” Sara Carter on Hannity, December 11, 2018

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