The Ides of March (Issue #030)
On March 15, at 3:42 pm, Attorney General Barr officially declared the National Emergency on the southern border to be in effect. The...
America Shall Weather the Storm (Issue #029)
In an era of media and social-media saturation, sensationalism, and hyperbole, many people on all sides find reason to become...
The Stage is Set (Issue #023)
What a month it has been! The all-important midterm elections are fast approaching, and if you think the last 30 days were chaotic, just...
Proverbs 34:14 (Issue #018)
Think back to the months leading up to the 2016 Presidential election. The common wisdom amongst the media elite was that Donald Trump...
To Kill a Mockingbird (ISSUE #005)
Imagine this. You are part of a small select group of powerful military leaders, intelligence officers, politicians, and businessmen who...